A One Day Virtual Seminar

Has the power to pivot your financial destiny.

Your ticket to a worry-free financial future, 
where your money works for you, not the other way around.

Next Event:

February 24th, 2024

8am EST | 14.00 CET

Please select

Redefine Your Financial Mindset: Turning Inner Doubts into Your Wealth-Building Allies

Transform Your Lifestyle: 
From Paycheck-to-Paycheck to Financial Liberation

Join a Community of Ambition: 
Your Network of Support on the Road to Financial Dominance

Ever wondered how the wealthy seem to have this secret formula for making, keeping, and growing their money?

Unlocking those secrets

We’re unlocking those secrets in a way that’s easy to grasp and even easier to apply. It’s like having a backstage pass to the world of wealth-building, where you get to learn the ropes of making your money multiply. We'll look at how the wealthy manage their money, make wise investment choices, and plan for the future. And the best part? We'll make it super easy for you to apply these strategies in your own life. It's not just about earning more money, but about how to manage it well and make it grow over time.

Redefine Your Financial Mindset: Turning Inner Doubts into Your Wealth-Building Allies

Our minds can sometimes be our own worst enemies, especially when it comes to money matters. We’re diving into how you can reprogram your thoughts and attitudes towards finances. It’s like having a friendly chat with your own brain, teaching it to let go of fear and embrace success instead.

Transform Your Lifestyle:

From Paycheck-to-Paycheck to Financial Liberation

But we’re not stopping at just making sense of dollars and cents; we’re talking about a lifestyle makeover. Ready to step into a life where financial freedom fuels your day-to-day choices? This seminar is your launchpad to living life on your own terms, breaking free from the ‘paycheck to paycheck’ cycle and stepping into a world where your dreams don’t take a backseat to your finances.

Join a Community of Ambition: Your Network of Support on the Road to Financial Dominance

And guess what? You’re not walking this path alone. The Wealth Dominance Virtual Seminar is your chance to rub shoulders with folks who share your financial aspirations. It’s about building a community that cheers on your success and lends a hand when you need it.

So, are you ready to shatter the financial glass ceiling and step into a realm of endless possibilities?

The Wealth Dominance Virtual Seminar isn’t just a day-long event; it’s your gateway to a life where financial freedom is the norm, not the exception. You're not just investing in a seminar; you're investing in a future where your finances fuel your dreams, not hinder them.

This isn't just about attending a seminar; it's about embarking on a transformative journey towards financial sovereignty. It's about saying ‘yes’ to a life where your financial narrative is written by you, not your circumstances.

And guess what? Your first step towards a life of financial freedom is just a click away. Ready to seize it?

Next Event: February 24th, 2024


Here's just some of what you'll learn

Learn How the Wealthy Make,
Keep, and Multiply Their Money

Dive deep into the secrets of wealth multiplication. Discover the art and science behind sustaining and growing opulence continuously.

Master the Art of 
Financial Freedom

Grasp essential strategies and insights that fuel the paths of the wealthy and navigate through the avenues of opportunities with precision.

Reprogram Your Mental Financial Blueprint for Success

Align your mental frameworks with success and prosperity. Learn transformative mental strategies that propel you toward financial greatness.

Discover Your Mental Chains

Align your financial pursuits with personal values and passions, creating a holistic wealth blueprint that propels you toward a fulfilling life enriched by purpose-driven financial decisions.

Embrace and Live the Life 
You Truly Desire

Embark on a journey within to unveil the mental barriers and self-sabotaging beliefs that hinder your financial ascendancy.

Leverage the Power 
of Networking

Unleash the transformative potential of strategic relationships and networks in bolstering your financial dominion.and ability.

Why Attend the Wealth

Dominance Virtual Seminar?

Unlock the doors to boundless financial prosperity at our exclusive virtual seminar! Dive deep into mastering the art of financial freedom with insightful strategies, and gain invaluable wisdom from industry GIANTS on wealth creation and multiplication.

Transform your mindset to accelerate your wealth accumulation journey, break free from mental chains, overcome self-sabotage, and unveil your ultimate financial potential.

This empowering seminar is a golden opportunity to embrace, craft, and live a life infused with unparalleled prosperity, happiness, and satisfaction.

Join us to pivot your financial destiny!


What to Expect?

This virtual seminar is meticulously crafted to be a beacon of transformation that propels you towards the pinnacles of financial success. Expect a day flooded with powerful teachings, mind-altering strategies, and invigorating conversations, all aimed at supercharging your journey to wealth dominance.


Hurry – Demand has been high and spots are filling up fast.

Meet the hosts

In the Wealth Dominance Virtual Seminar, Rutney Sluis and Jason Tyne distill their profound knowledge and influential partnerships into actionable strategies for financial success.

Rutney Sluis

As an esteemed NLP expert, trainer, and founder of many companies, including the Sluis NLP Instituut, Rutney Sluis embodies a blend of profound knowledge and a genuine desire to foster global well-being. 
His captivating hosting style stems from a deep understanding of human psychology and a career dedicated to empowering individuals to realize
 their fullest potential.

His extensive collaborations with notable individuals like Rico Verhoeven and others in various countries including France, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, and Denmark, further enrich his perspective, bringing a wealth of diverse insights to the seminar.

Jason Tyne

Jason Tyne is a remarkable speaker, author, and entrepreneur, dedicated to empowering leaders globally. His collaborative efforts with esteemed personalities like Daymond John and Tony Robbins reflect his caliber. A devoted family man and learner, his passion for global education and success makes him a compelling voice in the realm of personal and professional development​.

With a passion for growth, Jason Tyne has led global research and education on human capacity in over 15 countries, including Mexico, South Africa and Taiwan, working with leading universities, foundations, entrepreneurs and corporations.

Proven Strategies And Insights Garnered From Extensive Experience And Notable Collaborations.

Their rich professional journeys, interwoven with practical insights from working with industry leaders, translate into a seminar teeming with real-world strategies.

This is not just a theoretical exposition, but a practical pathway laid out by seasoned professionals to equip attendees with the tools necessary for financial dominance. Their shared goal is to bridge the knowledge gap, making the elusive financial success a tangible reality for many And many, many more!

Dive into a transformative experience, where you’ll be empowered with the secrets, strategies, and mindset shifts necessary to dominate wealth and achieve financial freedom.


Hurry – Demand has been high and spots are filling up fast.

Synergy of Vision

and Strategy

" Working with Rutney Sluis and Jason Tyne has been nothing short of transformative. Rutney's entrepreneurial vision and Jason's strategic acumen have propelled our projects to unparalleled success. Their collective prowess is a powerhouse driving financial innovation and business growth. A formidable duo in the financial realm."

- Asos Harsin

Practical Information


CET (UTC +1): 14:00 - 19:00

EST (UTC -5): 08:00AM -01:00PM


Online, so you can access world-class financial insights without leaving your home. This format eliminates travel costs, and allows for networking with global attendees.

Claim your spot now before we close the doors for good!


Hurry – Demand has been high and spots are filling up fast.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to attend the Wealth Dominance Virtual Seminar, and how can 
I purchase a ticket?

This isn’t a cost; it’s an investment in transforming your financial mindset and reality. We’ve curated a wealth of knowledge that you’d be hard-pressed to find elsewhere in such a consolidated, actionable format. Usually cost $249 but if you act now you can have this opportunity for FREE. Wealth Dominance grants you access to invaluable insights, strategies, and secrets from industry giants. You can purchase a ticket and secure your spot by clicking on the "CLAIM YOUR TICKET NOW" or "SECURE YOUR SPOT" option available on the page. Hurry, as the spots are filling up fast due to high demand!

How is this seminar different from other wealth-building seminars or workshops?

The Wealth Dominance Virtual Seminar is uniquely designed to not just impart knowledge but also transform your financial mindset and lifestyle. It combines the wisdom of two renowned experts, Rutney Sluis and Jason Tyne, who bring a wealth of diverse insights and strategies for wealth creation and multiplication. Unlike typical seminars, this event focuses on practical strategies intertwined with essential mindset shifts to guide you on a transformative journey toward financial sovereignty and success.

What exactly will I learn in the Wealth 
Dominance Virtual Seminar?

In the Wealth Dominance Virtual Seminar, you will learn the secrets of wealth multiplication and the strategies that the wealthy use to make, keep, and grow their money. The seminar aims to transform your financial mindset, allowing you to break free from a paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle. It encompasses teachings that will help you align your mental frameworks with success and prosperity, discover mental barriers, and leverage the power of networking to bolster your financial position.

What is the format of the seminar, and how long is it?

The Wealth Dominance Virtual Seminar is a virtual event meticulously crafted to offer transformative experiences and powerful teachings. The event is a day-long seminar where attendees can expect invigorating conversations and mind-altering strategies aimed at supercharging their journey to wealth dominance.

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